This wine must not be mistaken for Vino Nobile Montepulciano or Rosso di Montepulciano which are wines from Tuscany based upon the Sangiovese grape. This wine from Abruzzo on the east coast in Italy is based upon the Montepulciano grape which is a local grape.
This is the perfect pizza wine; light, fruity, low alcohol (12,5%) and just 140 NOK or less than 10€ in Italy. Deep red blue colour, lovely dark berries with hints of liquerice and smoke. Quite a fruity and light taste.
Zaccagnini is one of the best producers in Abruzzo and the wine is stored in big Slovanian oak casks for 6 months before being bottled.
This is the perfect pizza wine; light, fruity, low alcohol (12,5%) and just 140 NOK or less than 10€ in Italy. Deep red blue colour, lovely dark berries with hints of liquerice and smoke. Quite a fruity and light taste.
Zaccagnini is one of the best producers in Abruzzo and the wine is stored in big Slovanian oak casks for 6 months before being bottled.
Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2008 by Zaccagnini, when simple price and taste are required